Data Capture, Extraction & Integration

Work the Way You Want with PSIcapture.
Organizations use an array of scanning devices and document management applications to meet their needs, which are subject to change over time. PSIcapture is unique in its ability to integrate with any scanning device and route information to more than 60 ECM systems. No matter the size and scope of an organization, whether it has 10 employees in one office or 500 scattered across several locations, PSIcapture will make document processes easy and efficient.
Competitively priced, truly scalable and uniquely versatile, PSIcapture is the ideal document capture solution. A single capture platform designed to meet all the needs of an organization, including document scanning and import, forms processing, data capture, OCR/ICR data extraction and the ability to migrate the information into a document repository.


Banks have to keep record of every client transaction that occurs and without an automated process, entering this data can be a time-consuming and error-prone process for employees.

Extract & Classify

Extract the data you need and identify documents by type, using powerful automation tools that won’t slow your production down.


Migrate (or publish) to many different Document Management, Line of Business and ECM Systems through either load files or direct connection.